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Olga and Carol Wood exchanging ideas.
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Mom and meS

he has been passing her craft on to students for as long as I can remember.  I should know.. five of us call her Mom.  The name our parents gave me is Robert and somewhere along the line, everyone started calling me Bob.  As far back as I can recall, Mom has been creating works of art out from a host of different materials into forms that have been most pleasing to the eyes.  She has painted, sculpted, sewn and cut her way through the fabrics of our lives, which has given us a deep apreciation for the arts..  She inherated the talent from her father, as we have been fortunate enough, to have picked up a little bit from her. 

There have been a number of best times in my life with her, especialy when art was the focal point of our shared attention.  Like the times she guided me through my school projects or the Christmas windows I first helped her paint when I was about 13.  I remember those early, cold mornings when I left a nice warm bed to sip on some hot chocolate and munch on a fat donut, while rinsing brushes in what seemed like ice water.  The first time I got to paint the snow on a restaurant window, the manager thought a snow drift hit the pl ace... We had to stop and buy more white paint for the next job.

Christmas wasn't work around mom.  It was a time to create, a time to share what she created with others, a chance to get involved and learn how to turn a bunch of simple materials into something beautiful.  As for the rest of the year, she never stopped.  Her creative talents and the desire to help others explore their own, has always been a constant in her life to this day.

Olga with one of her projects

When Mom decided to share her craft with others, she found a way to pursue conducting workshops for the Los Angeles school distric, as a guest cultural artist.  Since her first class, she has shared this art with thousands of students, teachers and people who just wanted to learn the art of paper cutting. 


which brings me to my greatest inspiration.. this web site and the development of The Cultural Folk Art Company.  It started as an idea that would help sell the books that I have been working on with her.  I was exploring the use of the computer and all those great artistic sites posted by artists, artists who were using the computer, not only as a tool to create, but a tool to share their creations and exchange ideas.

As I explored the web to see what others were doing, I found a common thread with most of the sites I came across.  There were a number of artists who were using the internet as an inexpensive way to advertise their work.  I thought it was a great idea.  I could put a site up for my mom that would help her sell the books she's developed and it would be a nice little income to supplement her life's needs.   Then (as I have experienced before) nothing that seems simple remains simple when the lightning bolt of creativity strikes.

What started out as a small, simple site, is now in the process of becoming an inspiration, where other cultural artists will be able to pass their work on for generations to come.  We plan on helping other cultural artists as well, whose talents must be preserved and shared, well beyond any of our lifetime.  We are developing a way for artists to share what hey have learned or conceived, in a media that will inspire others to be creative as well.

I hope you enjoy what we are trying to accomplish with this site.  My mother, Olga, is the first of more artists we look forward to hosting.  We will feature all of them in a way that will showcase their talents through all the possible forms of media the internet has to offer..  It's our work in progress.Our daughter Kasey and me.


Please enjoy what we have so far.  If you would like to drop me an e-mail, click on my picture with Kasey and your e-mail program should pop up ready to compose your thoughts. If you use a web based e-mail program, cut and paste this address:  admin@olgaponce.com

Robert B Furginson


The Cultural Folk Art Co.